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Rodrick Ripley (ArkonPhoenix)

Oct. 25, 2021

HWSBHD - Sleepaway Camp (1983) feat. ArkonPhoenix

In today's episode, we ask ourselves a simple question: "How Would Sean Bean Have Died" in 1983's American slasher film, "Sleepaway Camp". I am joined by my brother in the force, ArkonPhoenix, and several of our listeners LI…
Sept. 8, 2021

HWSBHD - See No Evil, Hear No Evil (1989)

In today's episode, we ask ourselves a simple question: "How Would Sean Bean Have Died" in 1989's American comedy film, "See No Evil, Hear No Evil". I am joined by my old friend from a galaxy far, far away....
April 22, 2021

BONUS - Star Wars Galaxies (2003) - The Galactic Senate Reconvenes!

Join members of the former community influencer group, "The Galactic Senate", as they discuss the greatest sandbox MMORPG ever created: Star Wars Galaxies